Tofu is of Chinese origin. Tofu is its Japanese name, while in China it is known as doufu and it is also a part of East Asian and Southeast Asian cuisine such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indonesian, Vietnamese, and others. Tofu is a staple in the cusines of many Asian countries.

Although only found in Asian food markets, this seemingly bland food can take on the flavor of its surrounding ingredients making it a highly versatile as well as highly nutritious part of a healthy diet. Tofu is a highly protein-rice food that is made from the curds of soybean milk. Off-white in color, it is usually sold in rectangular blocks.

There are many different varieties of tofu, including fresh tofu and tofu that has been processed in some way. Tofu has a flavor and can be used in savory and sweet dishes. It is often seasoned or marinated to suit the dish.

Fermented bean curd or bean cake is also known as perserved bean curd or wet bean curd or bean cheese (fu yu; foo yi; foo yu). It is cubes of tofu immersed in a broth and has a very pungent aroma and strong, cheesy flavor. It comes in two colors. The white version is often served with rice or used to flavor soups and vegetable dishes, while the red often accompanies meats. It comes in jars or crocks in Asian markets.

This dish is a blend of soft organic tofu with fermented bean curd or bean cake (foo yi) as the base flavor, and incorporated with vege ingredients such as Bamboo shoots, long beans cauliflower, and carrots.

Preparation for 4

Ingredients and Preparation

Prepare chopped ginger, chilli, onions, garlic, carrots, green onions, long beans, cauliflower.

Prepare 1 lb ground meat: pork, beef or chicken.
Prepare soft organic tofu. Cut into square pieces.

Cooking Steps

Begin, by frying ground meat in 5 tbs cooking oil in a large skillet, in medium heat. Add ginger, chilli, onions, garlic. Combine and continue frying until meat is cooked.
Add carrots and long beans. Add 4 cubes coloured fermented bean curd (foo yi) and some bean curd liquid from the jar. Combine into the cooked ingredients and continue frying.
Add bamboo shoots (thinly sliced) (fresh or canned), and cauliflower. Combine into the rest of the ingredients.

Add 2 cups water.

For Flavour, add:- 1 tbs chicken stock, 1/2 tsp pepper, 3 tbs vegetable soya sauce, 2 tbs mushroom sauce, 2 tbs chilli paste, 1/2 tbs sesame oil
Add soft tofu into the cooked ingredients and combine well. Cover with top, and leave to simmer for 10 minutes over low heat.
Add green onions.
Add cilantro when ready to serve.
